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What is Earth2 Or second earth?

 What is Earth 2?

Earth 2 is a virtual recreation of Earth similar to ours in other words. Essentially, it is the earth's topography divided into 5.1 trillion land tiles and grouped into three classifications. (Classes 1, 2, and 3). 

which means it is the same size as our original Earth or say Earth1.

Land on Earth 2, as in our present reality, may be owned, bought, sold, and, in the near future, profoundly customized. This implies you'll soon be able to perform more things on Earth 2 than you could on Earth 1.

Why you should be a member of Earth 2.


• You may go anywhere: Earth 2 would enable Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) (AR). You would be able to go to any corner of the globe and see any building without ever leaving your flat, obtaining a visa, or worrying about a pandemic.

• You can design your own world: In phase 2 of Earth 2, you will be able to build anything you want on land you own or rent from someone else. Have you ever wanted to construct your own home? Now go to Earth 2!

• You can promote your company: In later stages of Earth 2, business owners, marketing agencies, and anybody else would be able to advertise anything. If you own a piece of land, you may be compensated for someone else to advertise on it!

• You can put your craziest ideas into action: By merging the power of VR, AR, Real Estate, Finance, Technology, Gaming, Business, Medicine, and other concepts, you can let your imagination run wild and make your thoughts a reality.


• You can purchase land for up to 0.000001 percent of its actual value, and the greatest thing is that you may sell it for any amount you desire.

• You may rent out your properties.

• You can mine resources.

• You may earn land income tax.

• There is a referral system in place where you and anybody who uses your referral code get a 5% bonus on any transaction. This offer is only valid for a short time. 

• You may make money through advertisements. When adverts are distributed on your property, you will get a percentage of the money earned by the advertisements based on the kind of land you own.


• Based on the above, you should already be drooling at the financial possibilities of Earth 2: from buying and selling property to producing passive income, mining resources, creating adverts, referrals, and much more.

• Each parcel of land began at $0.15. At the time of writing, land in the United States may cost up to $27 per tile, and we're just few months into Earth 2!

• Germany, Italy, and other regions of Europe currently charge $4 to $6 each tile. Land is still available for as little as $1 in the Netherlands, Australia, Hungary, Nigeria, and other locations at the time of writing.


• Earth 2 is mostly a game. Do you like games like Minecraft, Fortnite, GTA, Apex, and other planetary or futuristic-themed titles? Then you'll like Earth 2! You may earn real money while you play!


• Financial Gains: Earth 2 is just 3 months old. Timing may not seem like a good reason to get into anything, yet timing is often everything. If you had the option to invest in bitcoin three months after its inception and purchased one for as little as $1, you would have made almost $45,000 as of the time of writing this article. Apply this thinking process to Earth 2 and you may be a millionaire as well.

• Favorite Locations: Do you have a special spot in your heart, such as where you were born, your family home, the location where you proposed, a friend's home, your favorite McDonald's, or any other location that comes to mind? You may not be able to purchase it on Earth 1, but it is conceivable on Earth 2 if you act quickly. It's all about timing! Did you get it first? Make an offer and purchase it from them. It will still be less expensive than purchasing it in person.


What is Metaverse?

Facebook  has announced a rebranding to Meta and an emphasis on the incoming "metaverse." What that phrase signifies hasn't been any clearer in the intervening years. Meta is developing a virtual reality social network, Roblox is allowing user-generated video games, and other firms are providing nothing more than broken gaming worlds with NFTs attached.

Advocates ranging from minor startups to IT behemoths have stated that the lack of coherence is due to the fact that the metaverse is still being developed and that it is too young to define what it means. For example, the internet existed in the 1970s, but not every expectation of what it'd ultimately look like was realized.

On the other side, there is a lot of marketing hype (and money) around the concept of "the metaverse." Facebook, in particular, is in an unusually vulnerable position as a result of Apple's decision to restrict ad tracking, which has hurt the company's financial line. It's tough to divorce Facebook's vision of a future in which everyone has a digital wardrobe to browse from the reality that Facebook really intends to earn money off of virtual clothing. But Facebook isn't the only corporation that hopes to profit financially from the buzz around the metaverse.

What Exactly  "Metaverse" Is?

Here's an experiment to help you understand how ambiguous and convoluted the word "the metaverse" may be: In a statement, mentally replace the words "the metaverse" with "cyberspace." The meaning will not vary much 90% of the time. That's because the phrase refers to a wide (and often hypothetical) change in how humans engage with technology rather than a particular form of technology. And it's certainly feasible that the phrase itself may become obsolete as the technology it previously defined becomes more widespread.

In general, the technologies that firms allude to when they talk about "the metaverse" might include virtual reality (defined by persistent virtual environments that remain even when you're not playing) and augmented reality (which blends features of the digital and physical worlds). It does not, however, necessitate that such areas be accessible only via VR or AR. Virtual worlds, such as Fortnite elements accessible through PCs, gaming consoles, and even phones, have begun to refer to itself as "the metaverse."

Many organisations that have jumped on the metaverse bandwagon foresee a new digital economy in which users may produce, purchase, and sell items. In more utopian metaverse ideas, it's interoperable, enabling you to move virtual objects like clothing or vehicles from one platform to another, however this is more difficult than it seems. While some supporters argue that emerging technologies such as NFTs may allow movable digital assets, this is simply not true. Moving goods from one video game or virtual world to another is an incredibly difficult operation that no one firm can handle.

It's tough to comprehend what all of this implies because, when you hear descriptions like those above, it's natural to wonder, "Wait, doesn't that already exist?" For example, Environment of Warcraft is a permanent virtual world where users may purchase and trade things. Fortnite offers virtual experiences like as concerts and an exhibit where Rick Sanchez may learn about Martin Luther King Jr. You may put on an Oculus headset and enter your own virtual house. Is that what "the metaverse" actually means? Just new kind of video games?

Both yes and no. To call Fortnite "the metaverse" is akin to calling Google "the internet." Even if you spend a lot of time in Fortnite networking, purchasing stuff, learning, and playing games, it doesn't imply it covers the complete extent of what individuals and organisations mean by "the metaverse." Similarly, Google, which constructs elements of the internet—from physical data centres to security layers—does not constitute the whole internet.

Microsoft and Meta are among the companies developing technology for interfacing with virtual worlds, but they are not alone. Many more huge corporations, like Nvidia, Unity, Roblox, and even Snap—along with a slew of smaller firms and startups—are laying the groundwork for improved virtual worlds that more closely resemble our actual lives.

Epic, for example, has purchased a number of firms that assist in the creation or distribution of digital assets, in part to strengthen its formidable Unreal Engine 5 platform. While Unreal is primarily a video game platform, it is also utilised in the film industry and has the potential to make it simpler for anybody to create virtual experiences. In the domain of creating digital worlds, there are practical and fascinating breakthroughs.

Despite this, the concept of a Ready Player One-style one unified location known as "the metaverse" remains entirely implausible. That's partly because such a world requires companies to collaborate in ways that aren't profitable or desirable—for example, Fortnite doesn't have much incentive to provide players with a portal to jump straight over to World of Warcraft, even if it were simple to do so—and partly because the raw computing power required for such a concept could be much further away than we think.

Because of this uncomfortable truth, significantly distinct nomenclature has emerged. Many businesses and activists now refer to any single game or platform as "a metaverse." A "metaverse" might be anything from a virtual reality concert app to a video game, according to this description. Some go so far as to term the collection of several metaverses a "multiverse of metaverses." Or maybe we live in a "hybrid-verse."

These words might also imply anything. Coca-Cola introduced a "flavour created in the metaverse," as well as a Fortnite tie-in mini-game. There are no guidelines.

Most debates of what the metaverse contains begin to stagnate at this point. We have a hazy idea of what things now exist, which we might name the metaverse if we massage the definitions of terms correctly. And we know which corporations are investing in the concept, but there hasn't been any consensus on what it is after months. Meta believes it will contain false residences to which you may invite all of your pals to hang out. Microsoft seems to believe that virtual conference rooms may be used to teach new staff or converse with faraway colleagues.

The suggestions for these futuristic concepts vary from hopeful to pure fan fiction. During Meta's first presentation on the metaverse, the business portrayed a scenario in which a young lady is sitting on her sofa looking through Instagram when she comes across a video shared by a friend of a concert taking place halfway across the globe.

The film then shifts to the show, when the lady emerges as a hologram in the manner of the Avengers. She can establish eye contact with her physically present companion, they can both hear the performance, and they can both see floating writing hovering over the stage. This seems to be nice, but it isn't actually promoting a genuine product, or even a potential future one. In reality, this gets us to the most serious issue with "the metaverse."

Why Are Holograms Used in the Metaverse?

When the internet originally appeared, it was preceded by a succession of technical advancements, such as the capacity to allow computers to communicate over long distances or the ability to hyperlink from one web page to another. These technological qualities served as the foundation for the abstract structures we know as the internet: websites, applications, social networks, and everything else that depends on those essential aspects. Not to mention the convergence of interface advancements that aren't exactly part of the internet but are nevertheless required for it to function, such as displays, keyboards, mouse, and touchscreens.

There are new building blocks in place with the metaverse, such as the ability to host hundreds of people in a single instance of a server (idealistic metaverse predictions assume this will grow to thousands or even millions of people at once, but this may be overly optimistic), or motion-tracking tools that can distinguish where a person is looking or where their hands are. These new technology may be thrilling and futuristic.

However, there are several constraints that may be insurmountable. When technology corporations like Microsoft or Meta broadcast fictitious movies of their future visions, they usually skirt over how humans will interact with the metaverse. VR headsets are still clumsy, and most individuals endure motion sickness or physical discomfort if they wear them for an extended period of time. Augmented reality glasses have a similar dilemma, in addition to the not-insignificant issue of finding out how to wear them in public without appearing like enormous dorks. Then there are the accessibility issues with VR, which many firms are ignoring for the time being.

So, how can tech businesses demonstrate the concept of their technology without demonstrating the reality of cumbersome headgear and odd glasses? So far, their major response seems to be to just create technology from scratch. Meta's presentation's holographic woman? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but it's just not conceivable with even the most sophisticated versions of present technology.

Unlike motion-tracked digital avatars, which are now janky but might be improved in the future, there is no janky form of creating a three-dimensional image appear in midair without precisely controlled settings. Regardless of what Iron Man says. Perhaps they are intended to be read as pictures projected via glasses—after all, both ladies in the demo video are wearing identical spectacles—but even that presupposes a lot about the physical capabilities of small glasses, which Snap can tell you isn't an easy issue to solve.

This type of obfuscation of reality is common in film demonstrations of how the metaverse may function. Another of Meta's demonstrations showed players hovering in space—is this person attached to an immersive aerial apparatus or just sitting at a desk? Is the person depicted by a hologram wearing a headset, and if so, how is their face being scanned? At times, a person snatches virtual goods but then seems to grasp those objects in their actual hands.

This is OK to a point. Microsoft, Meta, and every other business that displays insane demonstrations like these are attempting to create an aesthetic sense of what the future may be, rather than necessarily answering every technical concern. It's a time-honored practise dating back to AT&T's demonstration of a voice-controlled folding phone capable of erasing individuals from photographs and generating 3D models, all of which may have seemed equally unachievable at the time.

However, in recent months, metaverse proposals from both IT titans and startups have relied primarily on aspirational concepts that deviate from reality. Chipotle's "metaverse" was an advertisement masquerading as a Roblox video game. Stories regarding limited "real estate" in "the metaverse" usually allude to a problematic video game with virtual land tokens (which also glosses over the very real security and privacy issues with most popular NFTs right now).

The uncertainty and disappointment surrounding most "metaverse" ventures is so ubiquitous that when a 2017 video of a Walmart VR shopping demo began trending again in January 2022, many assumed it was yet another metaverse demo. It also demonstrated how much of the present metaverse debate is based solely on hype. Walmart's virtual reality shopping demonstration was plainly a flop (and for good reason). So why should anybody think it's the future if Chipotle does it?

This type of wishful-thinking-as-tech-demo places us in a position where it's difficult to predict which portions of the numerous metaverse ideas (if any) will become reality one day. If VR and AR headsets become comfortable and affordable enough for individuals to use on a daily basis—a big "if"—then a virtual poker game with your buddies as robots and holograms floating in space would be possible. If not, you could always play Tabletop Simulator during a video conference on Discord.

The glitz and glam of VR and AR also obscures the more ordinary ways in which our present, linked digital environment may be enhanced right now. It would be trivial for tech companies to create, say, an open digital avatar standard, a type of file that includes characteristics you might enter into a character creator—like eye colour, hairstyle, or clothing options—and allow you to take that data anywhere, to be interpreted however a game engine sees fit. There is no need to create a more comfortable VR headgear for this purpose.

But that's not as entertaining to imagine.

Metaverse Today?

The dilemma of defining the metaverse is that in order for it to be the future, the present must be defined away. MMOs, which are basically complete virtual worlds, digital concerts, video conversations with individuals from all over the globe, online avatars, and commerce platforms are already available. So, in order to sell these items as a fresh view of the world, there must be something new about them.

Spend enough time talking about the metaverse, and someone will eventually (and exhaustingly) bring up fictional works like Snow Crash, the 1992 book that popularised the phrase "metaverse," or Ready Player One, which describes a virtual reality world where everyone works, plays, and shops. These stories, when combined with the general pop culture idea of holograms and heads-up displays (basically anything Iron Man has used in his last ten movies), serve as an imaginative reference point for what the metaverse—a metaverse that tech companies might actually sell as something new—could look like.

In a statement, mentally replace the words "the metaverse" with "cyberspace." The meaning will not vary much 90% of the time.

That type of buzz is perhaps more important to the metaverse concept than any particular technology. It's no surprise, however, that those pushing things like NFTs—cryptographic tokens that may function as certificates of ownership of a digital property, kind of—are also grabbing onto the notion of the metaverse. Sure, NFTs are awful for the environment, and the public blockchains on which most are constructed have enormous privacy and security issues, but if a tech business can claim that they'll be the digital key to your Roblox virtual house, then boom. You've just turned your pastime of purchasing memes into a critical piece of internet infrastructure (and perhaps increased the worth of all that bitcoin you're holding).

It's critical to remember all of this background because, although it's easy to compare today's proto-metaverse concepts to the early internet and think things will improve and grow in a linear way, that's not a given. There's no assurance that people will want to hang around without legs in a virtual workplace or play poker with Dreamworks CEO Mark Zuckerberg, much alone that VR and AR technology will ever become as ubiquitous as smartphones and computers are now.

The notion of "the metaverse" has functioned as a potent vehicle for repackaging old tech, overselling the advantages of new innovation, and catching the imagination of speculative investors in the months after Facebook's relaunch. However, money pouring into an area does not always imply a big paradigm change is on the horizon, as seen by anything from 3D TVs to Amazon's delivery drones and Google Glass. The bones of failed investments litter the history of technology.

That doesn't imply nothing exciting is on the horizon. VR headsets like the Quest 2 are now more affordable than ever, allowing users to transition away from pricey desktop or console systems. Building and designing video games and other virtual worlds is becoming simpler. And, in my opinion, improvements in photogrammetry—the technique of producing digital 3D things from images or video—are a fantastic tool for digital artists.

However, the IT sector as a whole is dependent on futurism to some level. It's good to sell a phone, but selling the future is more lucrative. In truth, any true "metaverse" would be nothing more than some great VR games and digital avatars in Zoom conversations, but primarily simply something we still refer to as the internet.